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Vinci Hair Clinic – Experts in Beard Transplants

New research reveals that the number of men opting for beard transplant surgery has trebled in just two years. Celebrities like David Beckham, Bradley Cooper and Tom Hardy seem to have inspired the phenomenal growth of the beard transplant industry. At Vinci Hair Clinic, we have had an increase in enquiries regarding refining the beard or moustache by surgical hair restoration techniques. Read on to learn more about this procedure

What Is Beard Transplant Surgery?

The procedure involves graft extraction from the back of the head, followed by implantation into the area being treated. This allows surgeons to create denser growth and fill out patchy areas. After healing, the hair can be shaved and styled, just like the rest of the hair.

Beard transplant surgery isn’t just for a full beard. You can have a moustache, a goatee or sideburns enhanced with transplant surgery. Both types of follicle harvesting (FUE and FUT) can be used for a beard transplant. FUE is the more popular choice because of the faster healing time. Vinci are proud to also offer eyelash hair transplant and eyebrow hair transplant procedures, which are ideal for anyone with concerns regarding these areas.

Am I Suitable For Beard Transplant Surgery?

At Vinci Hair Clinic we offer free consultations where we can discuss your individual requirements. Under a microscope we will evaluate and measure your donor area to ensure you are a suitable candidate for a beard transplant surgery.

How Long Does A Beard Transplant Take?

The beard hair transplant is performed under local anaesthetic meaning you will experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. The total process could take up to a couple of hours to finish, depending on the size of the area and grafts required.

“I had bald areas where I felt my beard should be, and after a consultation with Vinci Hair Clinic I decided to have this treatment. After the small FUE hair transplant there was no scarring on my face and after 4 months the hair was fully grown and as you can see the hair transplant looks fantastic”– Beard Transplant Patient

The Solution To Patchy Facial Hair

If you have ever wished that your moustache was thicker or that you could grow a strong, bushy beard facial hair transplant surgery could give you the look of your dreams.

Beard hair transplant surgery offers an exciting solution for men whose facial hair growth is naturally sparse or patchy. It allows them to achieve full, dense hair growth that can be shaved, cut, groomed and styled, just like any other beard or moustache. The procedure works by filling out the beard using hair follicle grafts extracted from the patient’s body. The grafts are carefully positioned to follow natural hair growth patterns and to flatter the patient’s individual bone structure. Post-surgical healing is rapid, however, it takes several months for the final result to develop.

Ready For The Beard Of Your Dreams?

When it comes to choosing a surgeon for facial hair restoration, only the best will do. This area is very visible and it takes immense skill to ensure that the result is undetectable from natural hair growth. Vinci Hair Clinic specialises in hair restoration using surgical and medical treatments, depending on your circumstances. If you’re considering beard transplant surgery and would like to know more book a consultation. It’s free, and you will get the answers to all your questions about the procedure.