Vinci Hair Clinic Glasgow
The Glasgow centre offers solutions and advice on a complete range of services, including our benchmark Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) state-of-the-art hair transplant services and medical treatments for stopping and reversing hair loss effectively. No matter what hair loss concern you have, staff in our Scottish headquarters are sure to be able to help you.

Vinci Hair Clinic Glasgow
The Glasgow centre offers solutions and advice on a complete range of services, including our benchmark Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) state-of-the-art hair transplant services and medical treatments for stopping and reversing hair loss effectively. No matter what hair loss concern you have, staff in our Scottish headquarters are sure to be able to help you.

+100,000 SatisfiedCustomers

+20 Specialist

+15 Years ofExperience

Clinics in 13
Different Countries
+100,000 Satisfied Customers
+20 Specialist Doctors
+15 Years of Experience
Clinics in 13 Different Countries

Range of Services
As with all other Vinci Hair Clinic locations, our in-clinic consultations are free of charge and include a full evaluation of your current hair loss situation and treatment recommendations. By using a Digital Proscope, we can analyse how your future hair loss may develop and can help with finding the best treatment possible, taking you one step closer to regaining a full head of hair.
- Whether you want to know more about Micro Scalp Pigmentation, or are thinking about getting a hair transplant in Glasgow, this is your opportunity to start your hair loss journey. Booking your free hair restoration consultation at our Glasgow hair loss clinic is quick and easy. Start your hair loss journey now by completing our online contact form. You can alternatively call us directly on +44 141 732 8181, or get in touch by Whatsapp on +44 0207 145 0112.
Clinic Location
To book your consultation in Glasgow, please call us today or use our online consultation form to contact the clinic directly. Our clinic is located in the centre of Glasgow, with easy access to parking locally. Our experienced team of hair transplant and MSP experts are here to help you regain your hairline, or indeed to improve the overall look of your hair.
- 24 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DB, United Kingdom
Range of Services
As with all other Vinci Hair Clinic locations, our in-clinic consultations are free of charge and include a full evaluation of your current hair loss situation and treatment recommendations. By using a Digital Proscope, we can analyse how your future hair loss may develop and can help with finding the best treatment possible, taking you one step closer to regaining a full head of hair.
- Whether you want to know more about Micro Scalp Pigmentation, or are thinking about getting a hair transplant in Glasgow, this is your opportunity to start your hair loss journey. Booking your free hair restoration consultation at our Glasgow hair loss clinic is quick and easy. Start your hair loss journey now by completing our online contact form. You can alternatively call us directly on +44 141 732 8181, or get in touch by Whatsapp on +44 0207 145 0112.

Clinic Location
To book your consultation in Glasgow, please call us today or use our online consultation form to contact the clinic directly. Our clinic is located in the centre of Glasgow, with easy access to parking locally. Our experienced team of hair transplant and MSP experts are here to help you regain your hairline, or indeed to improve the overall look of your hair.
- 24 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DB, United Kingdom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- General Topic
The hair around the back and sides of the head is genetically programmed to grow for life. A hair transplant is a simple redistribution of this permanent hair to the thin and balding areas of the scalp.
Absolutely. As we are using your own natural hair, it will continue growing at the same pace as the rest of your hair.
Vinci FUE sessions will require us to shave your donor area quite short.
As the transplanted hair is in different phases from growth to dormant, regrowth is progressive and starts from approximately three months post-op. At the six-month stage, hair growth has been active for three months, and we would expect to see a good portion of the hair growing through. Nearly all the regrowth is achieved from between 12 to 18 months.
Yes. The hair follicles we transplant from the donor area are genetically programmed to grow for the rest of your life. This doesn’t change when we transplant the hairs to the bald or thinning area.
- Consultation & Fee
Yes, all Vinci Hair Clinic consultations are free of charge.
The cost of a hair transplant procedure depends greatly on the level of hair loss, the amount of density required, as well as on your expectations. A hair transplant is a permanent procedure and will be visible for the rest of your life. While cost is an important factor, the quality of the work should be your number one priority when choosing a company to undertake your restoration. Various finance options are available to help make the treatment more affordable and therefore achievable.
If you are not a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure, your Vinci specialist will provide you with an honest assessment of your case and recommend alternative treatment options, which may include MSP or medical treatments.
During the consultation, your Vinci specialist will evaluate your stage of hair loss. We will discuss your expectations with you and let you know what we can realistically achieve with the treatment options available to you.
In most cases no. The NHS in the UK for example will pay for a handful of surgeries per year, but rarely in cases of standard pattern baldness. On the other hand, treatment costs for hair loss caused as a direct result of accidents, where private insurance liability is in place, are potentially covered by insurance companies.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- General Topic
The hair around the back and sides of the head is genetically programmed to grow for life. A hair transplant is a simple redistribution of this permanent hair to the thin and balding areas of the scalp.
Absolutely. As we are using your own natural hair, it will continue growing at the same pace as the rest of your hair.
Vinci FUE sessions will require us to shave your donor area quite short.
As the transplanted hair is in different phases from growth to dormant, regrowth is progressive and starts from approximately three months post-op. At the six-month stage, hair growth has been active for three months, and we would expect to see a good portion of the hair growing through. Nearly all the regrowth is achieved from between 12 to 18 months.
Yes. The hair follicles we transplant from the donor area are genetically programmed to grow for the rest of your life. This doesn’t change when we transplant the hairs to the bald or thinning area.
- Consultation & Fee
Yes, all Vinci Hair Clinic consultations are free of charge.
The cost of a hair transplant procedure depends greatly on the level of hair loss, the amount of density required, as well as on your expectations. A hair transplant is a permanent procedure and will be visible for the rest of your life. While cost is an important factor, the quality of the work should be your number one priority when choosing a company to undertake your restoration. Various finance options are available to help make the treatment more affordable and therefore achievable.
If you are not a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure, your Vinci specialist will provide you with an honest assessment of your case and recommend alternative treatment options, which may include MSP or medical treatments.
During the consultation, your Vinci specialist will evaluate your stage of hair loss. We will discuss your expectations with you and let you know what we can realistically achieve with the treatment options available to you.
In most cases no. The NHS in the UK for example will pay for a handful of surgeries per year, but rarely in cases of standard pattern baldness. On the other hand, treatment costs for hair loss caused as a direct result of accidents, where private insurance liability is in place, are potentially covered by insurance companies.
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