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Rosemary Oil Can Increase Hair Growth: Fact Or Fiction?

Rosemary is often cited as a powerhouse when it comes to combating hair loss. It’s believed that it acts to help boost hair growth. Does science agree that there is more to it than just public hype? A growing number of people are turning to homoeopathy as a solution to thinning or weakening hair. Whether it’s coconut oil or rice water, you’ll be amazed by the range of natural treatments available to combat hair loss. Let’s dive right in and set the record straight about this herb that’s taking the hair loss industry by storm.

Caffeine and peppermint oil are known to energise the scalp and boost blood flow to the hair follicles, both essential if you’re experiencing slow growth or an increase in shedding. However, rosemary oil goes one step further as it cleans, balances and stimulates the scalp.

Rosemary Oil Is An Anti-Inflammatory

The ability of rosemary oil, or products containing the oil as the main ingredient, to act as a tonic against scalp inflammation makes it a great addition to your medicine cabinet. Loss of circulation to hair follicles is one common cause of stunted hair growth and hair loss.

Rosemary oil also contributes to hair growth and a healthy scalp by preventing dandruff and preventing an itchy or dry scalp. Can you use rosemary oil as a suitable alternative to pharmaceutical or cosmetic hair products? Let’s see what science says in the next section of this article.

What Does Science Say About Rosemary Oil And Hair Growth?

Minoxidil and finasteride are the gold standard when it comes to pharmaceuticals and hair growth. Most of the natural alternatives use these two popular medicines as yardsticks to measure their effectiveness.

A 2014 study concluded that rosemary oil is nearly as effective as minoxidil at combating the effects of male pattern baldness. In theory, rosemary oil is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocker and stops the process which causes male pattern baldness.

For six months, men using rosemary oil had slightly more growth than subjects using minoxidil. Study participants in the control group taking a placebo received zero to minimal improvements in their condition.

What does this study mean? Minoxidil and finasteride, in common with many pharmaceutical formulations, are fraught with side effects. The push for natural alternatives seeks to give people suffering from hair loss other options which work just as well, minus the unpleasant side effects.

It appears rosemary oil makes a difference that warrants some attention. Next, let’s look at how you can start using it to see if it works for you.

Using Rosemary Oil To Boost Hair Growth

Add To Your Shampoo For The Best Of Both Worlds

Adding rosemary oil to your shampoo is one of the easiest ways to introduce rosemary oil to your hair washing routine. It doesn’t involve drastic changes, and you don’t have to ditch your current favourite shampoo either. Simply use a dropper to add about ten drops of rosemary essential oil to your shampoo bottle.

Shake your bottle thoroughly to make sure the oil mixes in perfectly with your shampoo. Once combined, your shampoo is ready to use as you usually would.

Treat Yourself To An Oil-Infused Scalp Massage

If you’re new to alternative therapies and essential oils, then you should know that all essential oils require dilution before you apply them to your skin. Typical carrier oils you can use include coconut oil, avocado, argan, almond, olive or jojoba oil. These oils are neutral and will not impact the effectiveness of the essential oil.

Add some carrier oil to your palm and then a few drops of your rosemary oil before rubbing together. Next, apply the mixture to your scalp and gently massage to get the most out of the rosemary’s oils vasodilatory powers, which means its ability to open up the vessels delivering blood to your scalp.

The increase in flow to your scalp boosts circulation and delivers more blood and nutrients to your hair follicles. You may leave the oil for a few hours or even overnight before using shampoo to wash it off thoroughly. Remember never to use neat essential oil on your skin without using carrier oil as it could cause skin irritation.

Use A Concentrate Instead Of Essential Oils

If for whatever reason, your skin reacts to essential oils, you can still enjoy the benefits of rosemary. Herbal concentrates can work just as effectively as essential oils to deliver benefits to your scalp.

You can make a rosemary concentrate by steeping the leaves and stems of fresh rosemary in boiled or filtered water. Leave the leaves for about six hours for the water to draw out the rosemary essence. Next, filter the stems and leaves out and put the water into a spray bottle.

You can use the spray on your scalp in the areas suffering from thinning hair. Keep the concentrate in the fridge for freshness and keep to your hair wash schedule.


If you’ve been looking for an alternative to pharmaceutical treatments for thinning hair or male pattern baldness, perhaps you should consider rosemary oil. Although many therapies do not have medical approvals due to a lack of clinical trial data, it shouldn’t mean you have to write them off. Currently, available medicines like minoxidil and finasteride have side effects which natural treatments do not have.

Using rosemary oil in scalp care and improving hair growth is straightforward and may just work for you. If you are struggling with hair loss and nothing seems to be working, it might be time you gave Vinci Hair Clinic a call. Our specialist will help you identify the cause of your hair loss and devise the proper treatment for you. Book your complimentary consultation today!

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