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Will You Regret Cheap Hair Transplant Surgery?

One of the first questions that people who are considering hair transplant surgery usually ask is “How much will it cost?” Affordability is a factor for many of us and we like to feel like we are getting a good deal. However, your budget shouldn’t be the decisive factor when deciding where to get hair […]

FUE – Your Solution to Pattern Baldness

When it comes to dealing with male pattern baldness, there are many treatment options that can help. By far the most effective, though, is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant surgery. What is the FUE hair transplant technique? FUE hair transplantation is the most advanced hair restoration technique used today. It is commonly recommended for […]

Hair Loss Is No Joke

While baldness was once seen as “fair game” for comedians, things have changed considerably over the last decade. Most people now recognise how hurtful this type of commentary can be and avoid making such jokes. It isn’t surprising then, that an advertiser recently came under fire for using a theme based on hair loss. Estate […]

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