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An excessively big forehead often detracts from the rest of the facial features. Facial symmetry and proportion is important to how people look. There are several reasons why a forehead may appear larger than average. This article discusses the procedure of hair line lowering or forehead reduction. Many men and women now turn to this surgery to eliminate the self-consciouness that often comes with it. If your forehead is limiting your hairstyle choices or you resort to wearing hats everywhere just to hide your forehead, then keep reading to learn more.

What is Forehead Reduction?

Although the term forehead reduction is common when referring to this procedure, hairline lowering is a more apt description of the surgery. Technically you cannot reduce the size of the forehead. But, by lowering the harline, you can create the appearance of a shallower or smaller forehead.

So, what is this procedure all about? Well, the procedure involves surgically lowering the hairline through scalp advancement. The procedure is common in facial feminization and involves using surgical techniques to lower the hairline by cutting out a section of skin and pulling down the skin lower. Genetics are the most common cause of a high forehead and until now, there were very few options.

Am I a good candidate for hair line lowering surgery?

Like other cosmetic procedures, not everyone is a suitable candidate. Your doctor will determine during your consultation if you are an ideal candidate but this article covers some aspects. Women make better candidates than men in many cases. If you have a high hairline and large forehead then you have a good chance with forehead reduction surgery.

Other characteristics that make you a suitable candidate include:

If you fall into any one of the categories above, finding a qualified doctor and scheduling a consultation will be your next step. But, before you get there, read on to learn a bit more about  what the procedure involves.

What does a forehead reduction procedure involve?

You will need a a local anaesthetic during this procedure to reduce the pain and post operation care may require a short overnight stay. Below are the steps your plastic surgeon will take during the surgery:

  1. The surgeon will use a surgical marker to mark the hairline and the area of the forehead the doctor will remove. Preserving the hair follicles and nerves along the hairline is essential so the surgeon ensures the cut is perfect.
  2. Next, the doctor applies a local anaesthetic to the forehead, from the hairline to just above the brows.
  3. Following that, the surgeon makes an incision along the areas marked on the forehead and hairline. This incision allows the surgeon to carefully peel back the skin from connective tissue to cut out the excess skin.
  4. The next step is to pull down the hairline along the top incision to bring it to join the forehead incision. Bringing together the two incisions closes the gap and brings the forehead down.
  5. Finally, the surgeon applies sutures to close up the skin and uses a technique that minimises scar formation. The hairline and new hair growth will hide any scars with time.

Forehead reduction surgery may bring the forehead lower and change the overall appearance of the face. It is worth noting that the appearance of the eyebrows may alter which may necessitate the need for a brow lift surgery.

What happens after the surgery?

Post-surgery care is important when it comes to cosmetic surgery procedures. You will experience litle downtime with this procedure although it is advisable to make some changes to your routines for a few weeks after.

A return visit to the doctor for suture removal is necessary a week and a half after the surgery. Observation and post-operative checkups two to four weeks after the surgery will give the surgery team a chance to check your progress. 

Pain, swelling and bruising are common after effects of surgery. Keeping the wound clean and allowing it to heal properly is vital and the doctor will provide post-oprative instructions.

Are there any risks and complications to be aware of?

All surgical procedures come with risks and potential complications. Some of the associated risks include:

For most people, the benefits of hairline lowering surgery outweigh the risks. To manage the risks and side effects of the procedure you should consult a surgeon with experience. This minimises scarring and other long term effects.

What results to expect from forehead reduction surgery

There are often unrealistic expectations when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Becaue patients are seeking to look more attractive, there is an element of subjectivity when it comes to results. Looking at before and after photos is often misleading due to their single dimension aspect.

You can expect your hairline to go lower by between 5cm and 6cm but results will vary depending on scalp laxity and other factors. You will not see the results of the operation immediately. It takes time for the swelling to go down and the scar to heal but in about six weeks you should be seeing the end result of the procedure.

The Takeaway

Hairline reduction surgery is one of the best options for lowering the hairline and improving facial proportions. Brow lift surgery may provide some improvements to appearance but do little to reduce the size of the forehead.

Not everyone is a candidate for forehead reduction surgery and your initial consultation is essential before undergoing the procedure. If you have a history of hair loss then this may not be the right procedure for you.

Worried about hair loss and would like to speak to someone who can help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Vinci Hair Clinic today.

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