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The first of September signals, for most people, the start of autumn. The autumnal equinox might not fall until later in the month, but the holidays are over, the schools are back and Christmas stuff has started appearing in the shops; that’s autumn right there. Are you ready for it? More importantly, is your hair ready for it?

The summer months take their toll on your tresses, so you may have damaged hair that needs attention. Autumn brings with it its own set of challenges for your strands, so there’s preparatory work to be done too. Read on to find out what you should be doing to get your hair ready for the new season!

Get an Autumnal Trim

The first thing you should do at this time of year is to get your hair trimmed. The summer months take it out of your hair in different ways, and this summer was particularly harsh. With the weather being hot all over the world, you didn’t have to pack a suitcase and jump on a plane to enjoy sunny days, barbecues and fun in the swimming pool or sea.

That combination of heat, chlorine and sea water, however, means that many people get to autumn with a head full of dried-up strands and split ends. A good trim will get rid of much of that damage and allow your hair to recover its strength.

Use Conditioner

Once you’ve tidied your hair up with a trim, you can turn your attention to sorting out the dryness. This is the time, remember, when temperatures are dipping and heating systems are getting switched back on again. Your dry hair is about to get blasted with more heat, so you need to get down to some serious conditioning to return your tresses to a healthy state. Make sure you work the conditioner right down to the hair roots and leave it on for about ten minutes. Most conditioners also moisturise your strands, but it does no harm at this time of year to use a separate moisturiser too.

It’s a good time of the year to give your hair a break from hot styling tools. If you can’t do without them completely, lower the temperature settings a couple of notches and apply heat protectant before you use them.

Think About Your Diet

Your hair follicles need a constant supply of the right nutrients if they’re to continue to grow strong, healthy strands, and a change in seasons is a good time to review your diet to ensure you’re eating enough of the right foods. Vitamin D, for example, keeps our bones, teeth and muscles healthy. It’s also important for your hair. When it is in short supply, keratinocytes in your hair follicles are unable to regulate the hair growth cycle in the way they normally do. You could, as a result, see a change in how much hair you shed and how quickly it is replaced.

Our body makes Vitamin D directly from the sunlight that hits our skin. With the hours of sunshine reduced in autumn and winter, you need to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D from your food. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel provide a great source of the vitamin, as does red meat.

Protect Your Hair

The drop in temperature at this time has us thinking about putting away the light clothes of summer and fishing out warmer, heavier gear. While you’re doing that, give some thought to how you’ll protect your tresses in the colder months ahead. The constant friction between your hair and your coat collar, for example, can cause your strands to fray and break. Wearing a silk scarf is a simple way to stop this.

If you have long hair, you might want to consider how you wear it to protect it from the wind and rain. Wearing it in braids or a ponytail can stop it from being buffeted and tangled by the wind. If you’re in the habit of wearing a hat in the colder months, wear one with a lining to prevent friction.


Every season presents a new set of challenges that have to be overcome if you want to keep your hair in tip-top condition. Autumn is no different. The tips we’ve set out above should help you repair the damage caused by summer and get your strands set for the colder months ahead.

Vinci Hair Clinic is here to help if you have any concerns about your hair. We’re one of the leading hair restoration companies in the world, with years of experience and an unrivalled range of treatments and procedures. We also offer a free, no-obligation consultation to all our new clients. All you have to do is get in touch and make an appointment – we look forward to seeing you!