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How To Grow New Hair Fast After Hair Transplant

The weeks following a hair transplant can be anxious for you, and naturally, you have the desire to see new hair as quickly as humanly possible. Unfortunately, achieving the results of a hair replacement procedure is more of a marathon than a sprint. You’ll be pleased to know that there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. There are a few things you can do to nudge the process along and speed up your hair regrowth. This article will give you a couple of ideas and instructions that will help you through the transition period. It’s all about the care and attention you give to your scalp while exercising some patience that will reward you with the new head of hair you deserve.

What Happens In The Immediate Aftermath?

Your surgeon will send you home with strict instructions for rest and recovery. Whether you have had a follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplant (FUT) surgery, you will experience shock fall-out. You may lose even more hair both from the donor and recipient area. The trauma of the surgery forces healthy hair follicles into the telogen phase, leading to shedding. Shock fall-out is usually the most stressful aspect of hair transplant to understand. You have just undergone a procedure to restore hair coverage, and you now have less hair than before. It feels counterproductive, but the more patient you are the sooner you’ll start seeing new healthy hair springing up.

Ways To Kickstart And Encourage New Growth

Treating your scalp gently during the early days following your transplant surgery will ensure faster healing, help to prevent scarring and provide the best chance of the new hair growing healthy and happy.

Be Gentle And Don’t Pick At Your Scalp.

Gently handling your scalp and hair grafts will help the healing and recovery process. The clinic will send you home with a post-op aftercare package, including washing instructions. You can start gently washing your scalp 48 hours after the procedure. Avoid rubbing the donor and transplant area, instead pat or dab gently with a soft towel to dry. The care and attention at the very start of your recovery may well dictate the quality of the final result many months down the line.

Nutrition And Hydration Are Essential Pieces Of The Puzzle

Keratin is a major component of hair, and you need to eat lots of protein to boost keratin generation. Combine a high-quality protein diet with nutritious sources of vitamins and minerals, and you’re on your way to enjoying strong, thicker and healthier hair when regrowth happens. Drinking plenty of water, avoiding processed foods and too much sugar will promote a healthy scalp and prevent inflammation which may interfere with healing.

A diet rich in biotin and vitamin C will boost the production of collagen, which is essential for the growth of flawless skin and hair. Supplementation is always an option, but you should consult a doctor before you start taking iron or zinc supplements.

Dehydration is the enemy of healthy hair and leads to dry and brittle hair prone to breakage, so make sure you drink adequate water every day. Ask your surgeon or trichologist for the right shampoo to use to make sure that your hair locks in moisture and doesn’t get dry.

Stimulate Scalp Blood Flow With Head Massages

Once the initial trauma to your scalp and donor area heals, and your surgeon gives the thumbs up, you can start gentle scalp massages. Take essential oils such as peppermint, sage or rosemary with a base of olive oil, mix and massage gently into your scalp. Scalp massage with vasodilation essential oil stimulates increased blood flow and delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles. Healthier hair follicles support the new growth you can expect from your hair grafts.

Ask Your Surgeon About Clinically Proven Maxogaine

Maxogaine is a clinically proven medication whose main ingredient is minoxidil, and it stimulates hair growth. Using Maxogaine following hair transplant surgery is an ideal way to stimulate growth in the initial post-op stages. Your surgeon will advise on the strength that is best for you to take, which may change as you begin to see an improvement.

The road to full regrowth is longer than most people would like. However, it’s a process to which you have to submit. If you follow the post-operation advice and attend the regular check-up with your clinic, hair transplant surgery represents a real chance of restoring lost hair. Combine adequate after-care with traditional scalp massages, nutrition and hydration and using Maxogaine and you may even see new hair faster.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your progress following hair restoration surgery, get in touch with your clinic. If you are still considering hair transplant surgery and would like to know more about the whole process from start to finish, book a free consultation with Vinci Hair Clinics. You will find out if hair transplant is an option for you and learn about other hair restoration options from which to choose.

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