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Getting a salon-style blow-dry is easier than you think. Right now, you may be thinking you need a whole load of specialised tools and a degree in hairstyling, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. All you need to know are a bunch of insider tricks of the trade, and you’ll be ready to blow-dry your hair like a professional. But hold on! Before you rush off to wash your hair and grab your dryer, stick around a bit longer. By the time you get to the end of this article, you’ll be able to correct some mistakes you’ve been making in your home-styling. The goal here is not only to make your hair look fabulous but to keep it strong and healthy too.

Invest In The Best Hairdryer You Can Afford

If it’s a salon-quality blow-dry you want, you should at least use salon-worthy equipment. Invest in the best hair dryer you can afford and that’s you already halfway there. Buying a pricey gadget serves two purposes. First, you will get better temperature control which allows you to dry your hair safely. Secondly, it will last longer (hopefully), and you don’t have to keep replacing it with a cheaper model that doesn’t last. Cutting down drying time and minimising hair damage are the main goals when shopping for a hairdryer.

Air Or Towel Dry First

Dry ends are a common sign that your hair is not as healthy as it could be. Split ends are one of the biggest reasons why it’s so tough to get your hair shiny despite all your best efforts. One of the little-known ways of improving your hair’s appearance is to limit the number of heat treatments. Towel drying or air drying first will remove a greater amount of moisture, meaning that you’ll need less heat to dry your hair.

Use A Microfibre Towel

Using the right towel makes a huge difference. A towel that’s too heavy will weigh your hair down, cause tension and lead to breakage. And one that’s too light will just get soaked and leave your hair still wet. You will get amazing results with microfibre, including fewer flyaways and less frizz. A microfibre hair turban is even better; it’s guaranteed to get soaking wet hair dry in five minutes.

Wet Hair And Brushing Don’t Mix

Counterintuitive as it might seem, tugging at your wet hair with a brush actually increases the chances of damaging it. You might think that wet hair detangles easily, but that’s not the case. Instead of using a brush for detangling wet hair, try a wide-toothed comb instead. Once you detangle the knots, you’ll be surprised by how effortlessly your brush glides through your hair. If you have long hair, hold it with one hand while brushing from the tips with the other, thus avoiding pulling at the roots.

Always Use A Heat Protectant

Heat protectant for your hair is just like sunscreen for your skin. If you diligently use one, so it should be with the other. There are different types you can use on both dry and wet hair. It helps if you read product labels to make sure you’re using the product correctly. Spray products are usually formulated for wet hair, while other products need to be used with hot tools on dry hair.

Apply Styling Products Evenly

Applying frizzy hair serum or boosting volume with a thickening spray shouldn’t be done the way you see it in the adverts. You should apply hair products evenly to your hair, creating sections, parting your hair and working the product throughout the length to the ends. An even coating with the product ensures adequate treatment for all your hair strands.

Brush Your Hair From The Front

We’ve all done it. By that, I mean starting to dry the hair from the back and working towards the front. According to a leading London stylist, however, it’s better to start where you can see. That means the temples, bangs, hairline and crown, before moving to the back of your head. Doing it like that should be enough to make sure you don’t end up with any excessively damp patches of hair. And don’t rush! For many people styling their hair at home, it’s a challenging job trying to get those front hairs under control.

Professional Help To Restore Damaged Hair

If your hair is already under the strain of too many colourings or too many perms, there’s still hope. Traction alopecia is one of the top causes of hair loss and is due largely to hairstyling practices. The great news is that it’s reversible if it hasn’t caused damage to the follicles. Drying your hair safely and using natural drying methods is one of the best ways of slowly getting your hair back to health.

If your hairline is visibly receding or you have thinning patches, get professional help. Vinci Hair Clinic specialises in supporting men and women struggling with hair loss, whatever the cause. Book your free consultation and let us help you restore your hair to full health today!

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