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Did you know that August was National Hair Loss Awareness Month in the United States? Don’t worry if you missed it this time – it’ll be around again next year! The point of these monthly observances is to raise awareness of issues that don’t normally receive much media coverage. That’s why it was great to see hair loss being featured.

The hair loss campaign had two central messages. Don’t give up on fuller hair was the first and seeking a solution that works for you was the second. We’re going to take a closer look at both, but we’re also taking the liberty of adding a third: take action now!

Don’t Give up on Fuller Hair

A few decades ago, coming to terms with your hair loss was probably the best approach. There weren’t too many effective hair loss treatments around, for a start. Hair transplant surgery was in its infancy, and the results it produced were variable, often resembling hair you’d see on a doll’s head. Wigs were likely to fly off if the breeze picked up and were, in any case, so artificial that you could spot one the moment the wearer came into sight.

Those days are gone. The modern hair restoration industry now offers an array of treatment options that mean you can hang on to your locks for longer. The trick is to find the treatment option that suits your needs. Keep in mind that the most suitable treatment for you may not be a formal procedure at all; there are lifestyle choices you can make that can have a significant impact on hair loss.

Seek a Solution that Works for You

The right treatment will depend upon the type of hair loss you’re experiencing, how far the hair loss has progressed and your expectations. A consultation with a hair specialist will help you work through these issues. Hair transplant surgery is the treatment that everyone knows, and it provides the most permanent solution to the problem, but it might be that you do not require this level of intervention. If your hair loss is temporary, you may simply need a treatment that slows the rate of loss or stimulates regrowth.

That kind of scenario is likely to include medications like finasteride and minoxidil. Finasteride is a prescription medication used primarily in the treatment of male hair loss. It stops hair loss by blocking the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the male hormone that interrupts the hair growth cycle. Minoxidil, meanwhile, increases blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulates growth. It can be taken orally or applied topically. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), mesotherapy, micro scalp pigmentation (MSP) and laser cap treatments are other effective procedures that stop short of a full hair transplant.

Lifestyle Changes

Some forms of hair loss are due to genetics or illness, things over which you have limited control. Sometimes, however, hair loss can result from choices we make in our daily lives. Your diet is one example. The food you eat needs to contain the right balance of vitamins, proteins and minerals. If there is any kind of deficiency, your hair follicles won’t get the nutrients they need to produce strong, healthy hair.

Generally, what’s bad for your overall health is usually bad for your hair too. Smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, contribute to hair loss by constricting your blood vessels, thus limiting the oxygen and nutrients going to your hair follicles. You should try and stay hydrated, take regular, moderate exercise and avoid too much stress.

Your haircare habits can also be a factor in hair loss. Avoid tight hairstyles that might cause traction alopecia. Cut down on your use of heat styling tools. Do an audit of your hair products and dispense with the ones that aren’t essential. Hair products are unlikely to cause hair loss directly, but they can be contributory factors by causing irritation and inflammation on your scalp if you’re using too many.

Take Action Now!

If you notice signs of accelerated hair loss, don’t put off doing something about it. A consultation with a hair expert may provide you with the reassurance that what you’re experiencing is simply the daily hair loss that forms part of the hair growth cycle. If there is a problem, however, then early intervention is key. Like most things in life, hair loss is better tackled at an early stage before things have progressed too far.


Hair loss is no longer a condition that has to be accepted as just another one of life’s trials and tribulations. These days, you can do something about it. Events like National Hair Loss Awareness are important in getting that message across.

If you’re worried about hair loss or thinning, speak to a hair expert at the earliest opportunity. Here at Vinci Hair Clinic, we’re ready to help. We’re one of the largest hair restoration organisations in the world with a global network of clinics. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to all our new clients. Contact us today to book your appointment!

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