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Clients attending hair restoration clinics for treatment have broadly similar reasons for being there. These reasons usually hinge upon a desire to finally do something about hair loss or thinning that has been bothering them for years. Recently, however, staff working in clinics have been hearing new stories from their clients. These stories are closely connected to the Covid-19 pandemic, and they have led to a surge in demand for hair restoration procedures.

Read on to discover how life in lockdown has forced some people to confront the truth about their baldness, while post-Covid hair loss has left others wondering if they should sign up for a hair transplant.

Post-Covid Hair Loss

There is little doubt that some people experience hair loss after contracting Covid-19. This occurs as a result of the stress put on the body by the virus, stress which leads to the development of a form of alopecia known as telogen effluvium. When this arises, a greater percentage of hairs are pushed into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle. Hair continues to fall as normal but is not replaced by new growth pushing through.

While the precise number of these cases is unknown, it is undoubtedly significant; some studies have put the figure as high as 66% while others estimate it to be closer to 10%. The true figure is likely to be somewhere in the middle.

This has led to many people approaching hair restoration clinics to enquire about treatment. In most cases, surgical intervention is not required. Hair loss because of telogen effluvium is usually a temporary phenomenon. Your hair will usually grow back within a few months. Reputable hair clinics, therefore, will advise clients on ways of speeding this process up but will stop short of recommending anything more.

Life in Lockdown

Aside from post-Covid hair loss, there are other ways in which the virus has been responsible for sending more people in search of hair restoration treatments. Life during the lockdowns meant that workplaces closed, and millions of people were forced to work from home. Communication between work colleagues was done on the phone and online while Zoom meetings became the new norm. These even became the way family and friends kept in touch at the height of the pandemic.

While few people enjoyed these meetings, some actively came to dread them. For some people, it was the first time they had been forced to view themselves on screen. They saw themselves in a different light and from unusual angles. People started at the little image of themselves and wondered ‘Is that really me?’ For many, it was the moment they could no longer ignore the fact that they were losing their hair. Since lockdown ended, staff in hair restoration clinics have become accustomed to being told by clients, ‘When I saw my hair on Zoom, I knew I had to do something.’

Social Media Influencers

Lockdown also contributed to the rise of social media influencers. Some 59% of global ad spend went on digital media in 2020 as brands turned to social media influencers and content writers to get around global restrictions imposed on other marketing strategies by the lockdown. People unable to get out and about were spending much more time online; social media influencers provided an effective way of reaching these people.

The term ‘social media influencer’ should not be understood in a narrow sense. It may have been coined originally to describe the young entrepreneurs on YouTube and Instagram who made fortunes through promoting products to their millions of followers. That still happens, but these days a social media influencer is anyone with a social media platform and a large following.

That definition includes actors, models, movie stars and athletes. Make no mistake, these people have influence. In recent years, more celebrities have been getting hair transplants and talking about it openly across all sorts of platforms. During lockdown, these stories were being heard more clearly. This has undoubtedly empowered many people to address their own hair loss problems.


The Covid-19 pandemic altered all of our lives in so many ways. The world of work, for example, has changed forever; working from the office five days per week is unlikely ever to return in the form we knew it. The lockdown has also motivated many to face up to their hair loss and do something about it. That has to be a good thing.

If you have hair loss concerns, whether linked to Covid-19 or not, Vinci Hair Clinic can help you with them. We have a network of clinics across many countries and are recognised as one of the leaders in the field of hair restoration. What’s more, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation to all our new clients. Get in touch with us and book your appointment today!

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