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How To Stay Clear Of Bogus Treatments When It Comes To Hair Loss

Men and women spend millions annually on clearly ineffective hair loss treatments in a bid to stop or reverse hair loss. Hair loss drives people to unimaginable extremes, believing half-backed truths and advertising claims that do not grow hair. Some people will try almost anything, including ineffective hair loss treatments. If you are suffering from hair loss, you are vulnerable to shady advertising that preys on your hopes and fears. This article will help to protect you from bogus treatments that only seek to separate you from your cash.

Preying On Your Hope And Fears

Marketing is a potent tool that appeals to your emotions. Advertisers peddling hair restoration cures take advantage of your fears of losing more hair, and your hopes of regaining your crowning glory. They will take real hair loss causes and offer their ‘special’ product as the solution. In desperation, people will believe nearly anything when it comes to hair loss. The internet makes the job of these scammers easier because they can now reach more people than ever before. Not only do bogus treatments cost you money, but they distract you from trying hair loss treatment options that do work.

Always seek hair loss advice from a professional source such as your dermatologist, trichologist or a reputable hair loss clinic. The potential for profit in this market is huge; there will always be someone selling bogus hair loss treatment.

False Regulation Claims

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MRHA) in the UK and the Food and Drug Administration in the US are regulatory bodies responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and medical devices. Advertisers selling ineffective treatments will go as far as making false claims of regulation to convince you they are legitimate. Other products go as far as obtaining regulation as ‘food supplements’, ‘herbal remedies’ or cosmetics which are loosely regulated. The deception comes when they use the regulation status in the marketing and description of an ‘FDA Approved Hair Loss Medicine’. Another trick involves the careful crafting of marketing material to make sure it stays within the advertising guidelines. Always watch out for the claim “contains all-natural ingredients with no know side effects.” So, if a hair loss solution sounds a little too good to be, then it probably is.

Testimonials And Reviews

Isn’t it surprising how many testimonials these bogus hair restoration treatments seem to have? If they don’t work, why would all these ‘people’ be writing these glowing reviews about their experiences? If you have ever shopped on Amazon, then you have relied on reviews before making your choice of product to buy. It’s human nature to follow the crowd and those selling ‘miracle cures’ prey on this undeniable part of being human.

There is no way to verify online testimonials from individuals and ‘medical professionals’. There is no way of determining the efficacy of the products on sale either. The literature which may include false medical trials data is all you have to go on. When it comes to bogus hair restoration treatments, the marketers know the right buttons to push. Take testimonials and reviews with a pinch of salt, and always trust the advice of medically trained professionals for medical concerns.

Beware The Placebo Effect

One fact that could explain why some bogus hair loss treatments work for some people is the placebo effect. When researchers put Rogaine through a clinical study, 16% of participants on the placebo experienced new hair growth. Just the power of the mind alone brought real, measurable results for the people with hair loss conditions. Now imagine how this would work when enough people believe in bogus treatment? The product itself may not have any hair restoration properties. Still, because enough people believe in it, they will experience some positive results. Perhaps that’s why even ludicrous treatments and elixirs have a loyal following.

Effective Hair Loss Treatments

Now that you are a little more knowledgeable about some of the ways rogue marketers use to peddle their bogus hair restoration treatments, how can you protect yourself? There are only a handful of causes for hair loss, and medical solutions exist to deal with most of them. Although there is no cure yet for hair loss, there are several treatment choices a dermatologist can recommend. Proven hair restoration treatments include the following:

  • Minoxidil and Finasteride
  • Hair transplant surgery
  • Laser therapy
  • Platelet Rich Plasma therapy
  • Mesotherapy

With all the treatment options above, the market for bogus hair loss treatments should not thrive. Unfortunately, people still follow their nature and continue to fall for scams. But you don’t have to.

Vinci Hair Clinic offers hair restoration treatments and transplant surgery to help with various hair loss conditions. Your hair recovery starts with a free consultation where one of the hair experts will help with diagnosing the cause of hair loss. What follows next is the start to a hair restoration journey that will hopefully restore your crowning glory. Send us a message to book your free consultation today.

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