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Cosmetic Options For Hair Loss When Everything Else Fails

Choosing the right treatment for hair loss is not easy. For various reason, perhaps you have not found the right one for you. Camouflage and other accessories can come in handy when you’re trying to conceal your hair loss. When other hair loss treatments have fallen short of giving you the results you want, perhaps cosmetic options have the answer. This blog post shares a few interesting ideas on how you can use temporary and reversible cosmetic solutions for a satisfying look. The cosmetic option you pick will depend on the type and extent of hair loss you are experiencing. 

Hair Styling

Surprising enough, hair styling is the go-to solution for most people when they start noticing bald patches or thinning hair. You’ve all heard of the comb-over, and maybe you’ve even used it to hide thinning hair. However, comb-overs fail dismally and usually draw more attention to the balding patch you’re trying to conceal. So what’s the best option? 

  1. If the thinning area is small, you can use existing hair to conceal it, especially if you have plenty of existing hair. 
  2. Choose the right hair cut for your face shape or cut your hair a little shorter, so that thinning hair isn’t that obvious. 
  3. Completely shaving the head is often an option many men take to conceal a balding crown. There isn’t as much stigma around hair loss in men as in women, that’s why the close-shaven look is popular. 
  4. A permanent perm is a hair styling technique which increases the curliness of your hair and creates waves and curls. The process uses rods and chemicals which causes the hair to retain the curls for some time. Curls create an appearance of greater density which hides the thinning scalp. As the hair grows, you will need to repeat the perming process, but the chemicals may weaken your hair, causing breakage and irritation to the scalp.
  5. A styling tip more men are turning to is diverting attention from their head by growing facial hair. A beard or moustache will help reshape your face, give you a distinguished look and attract the eyes from your balding scalp to the rest of your face. While beard sculpting is a trendy thing, beards do not suit every face, and they are not for everyone. A beard can even add years to your appearance so should be worn with caution.

Hairpieces For Hair Loss

Hairpieces are humanmade devices made to cover thinning or bald areas of the scalp. Hairpieces come in a range of colours to blend in with the wearer’s natural hair colour. Hairpieces are made from real human hair or natural fibres, then fixed onto a synthetic liner or base. The adhesive is typically used to attach the hairpiece to the scalp, usually in men with a balding crown. For women, covering a widening parting often involves weaving the hair appliance through its mesh onto your hair. 

Human hair appliances cost more than synthetic ones, and they require more maintenance. Artificial hair is an excellent solution for hair loss and will work for every type of hair loss. Medication will not work for everyone, and neither will a hair transplant. However, hairpieces are versatile and make the perfect choice if everything else you try is not working for you. 

A hairpiece may not be a suitable long term solution because, over time, the costs will stack up. Each time you change your hair colour, or you start going grey; you will need to update the hairpiece. If you’re looking for a temporary hair loss solution while you get more tests or save up for a hair transplant, then hair appliances can work for you.

Wigs For Chronic Hair Loss Conditions

Men and women who suffer from chronic hair loss may not have many hair restoration options available to them, as they are not suitable for all cases. For this reason, some people might choose wigs as a last resort. A wig acts as your natural hair, you can use tape or glue to attach the wig to your scalp.

Dealing with hair loss doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. Hair loss is an affliction affecting millions of men and women in the world, and various support groups are now available to help. There’s something magical about talking to someone who is going through the same situation because they understand how you are feeling.

For more practical help with hair loss treatments, you can always turn to Vinci Hair Clinic. If you’ve recently noticed a widening parting or find yourself losing more hair than usual and want to know why then, get in touch today and book your free consultation.

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