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Stop a random individual in the street and ask them what a hair transplant is and you’ll likely get a broadly accurate response. Follow up by asking if they’ve heard of Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP) and you’re probably going to draw a blank look. While hair transplants have been around for decades, MSP still has something of the ‘new-kid-in-town’ about it. That may be changing if rising demand for MSP around the world is anything to go by.

We’re going to take a closer look at MSP. We’re going to outline what it does, including its role as an effective cosmetic camouflage. Keep scrolling to learn more!

What is MSP?

MSP is a low-cost, creative procedure that delivers great solutions to many hair loss problems. Unlike other hair restoration treatments, MSP does not stop or reverse hair loss. Instead, it camouflages the effects of baldness. It’s a non-invasive process in which medical grade pigment is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis, in a similar fashion to tattoo ink, to create an incredible shaved head appearance. The tiny microdots look exactly like cropped hair stubble, even from a short distance away.

The Process

The needles used in the MSP process are considerably finer than the needles used in skin tattooing, so the procedure is nowhere near as painful. Each individual’s treatment is different but, in general, it takes three or four sessions spread across a few weeks to complete the process. Once done, MSP is a maintenance-free treatment. The pigment may begin to fade after four or five years and require a refresher course, but otherwise the results are permanent.


Effective Cosmetic Camouflage: one of the main reasons people choose MSP is to camouflage unsightly scars on their head. Like all surgical procedures, hair transplants come with the risk of scarring. The risk is greatly reduced in these days of sophisticated techniques and technology so long as a reputable provider carries out the work; transplants done by cut-price clinics employing unqualified and unskilled staff can leave clients with a scalp marked by surgical scars.

These scars are much more obvious when the hair is kept short. That means the individual’s choice of hairstyle is greatly restricted. Not only does MSP hide the scars, but it also allows the client freedom to sport that neat, shaved-head look.

Combination treatment: MSP can also be used in conjunction with other hair restoration treatments. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants, for example, are often augmented with a course of MSP, as this allows for greater coverage of the balding and thinning areas without having to totally strip the donor sites of hair follicles.

MSP for thinning or patchy hair: the MSP process can effectively add density to thinning hair in both men and women. Pigmentation placed strategically between thinning strands can hide the obvious contrast between scalp and hair. This gives the hair a much thicker overall appearance. The same principle holds good for some cases of alopecia areata and traction alopecia that leave the individual with patches of hair loss or thinning. MSP can be used to camouflage these areas so that they blend in with the rest of the hair.

Choosing the Right Provider

As with all hair restoration treatments, choosing the right provider is crucial. The research you do prior to booking an appointment should take in more than just the price of the procedure. It should involve checking out the history of the clinic providing the service. The least you should expect from the technician or clinic providing your treatment are visible certification of approved MSP training, a clean clinical environment, sealed needle cartridges and barrier protection in the form of gloves and masks.

Make sure you take a good look at the testimonials from clients on their site and study their ‘before and after’ photographs. Examine the qualifications and experience of their staff. If these aren’t shown on the site, don’t be afraid to phone and ask for details. Check, also, reviews of the service posted on independent sites like Trustpilot.


The key takeaway from this article should be the necessity for due diligence when choosing an MSP service provider. Quality rather than cost should be your main focus in this task. Remember, you’re going to be seeing your provider’s work every time you look in the mirror for years to come so you want to be happy with it!

If you’re interested in finding out more about MSP or if you’re concerned about hair loss, Vinci Hair Clinic is here to help. We are one of the largest hair restoration companies in the world, with clinics in many different countries. All our new clients are entitled to a free, no-obligation consultation. Get in touch and make your appointment today!


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