Vinci Hair Clinic in João Pessoa offers a complete range of services including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants, body hair transplants, Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP) procedures and medical hair loss treatments. Our hair loss and hair transplant results are perfectly natural and permanent. Visit the gallery page to see how Vinci procedures are transforming our clients, not only their appearance but also their self-esteem.
Book your consultation now by calling the clinic or contacting us by Whatsapp at 0800 878 9707, or by completing one of our online consultation forms. Consultations are free so don't hesitate to get in touch and start your journey to hair restoration today.
Clinic Location
Located in the easternmost part of America and Brazil, João Pessoa is known as "the city where the sun rises first". João Pessoa was a natural choice for Vinci Hair Clinic to establish one of its clinics there. The hair loss clinic is located in a residential area of the city, in a two-story building with a modern and pleasant design.
Rua Presidente Kennedy, 45 – Tambauzinho, João Pessoa – PB, 58042-180
Vinci Hair Clinic in João Pessoa offers a complete range of services including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants, body hair transplants, Micro Scalp Pigmentation (MSP) procedures and medical hair loss treatments. Our hair loss and hair transplant results are perfectly natural and permanent. Visit the gallery page to see how Vinci procedures are transforming our clients, not only their appearance but also their self-esteem.
Book your consultation now by calling the clinic or contacting us by Whatsapp at 0800 878 9707, or by completing one of our online consultation forms. Consultations are free so don't hesitate to get in touch and start your journey to hair restoration today.
Clinic Location
Located in the easternmost part of America and Brazil, João Pessoa is known as "the city where the sun rises first". João Pessoa was a natural choice for Vinci Hair Clinic to establish one of its clinics there. The hair loss clinic is located in a residential area of the city, in a two-story building with a modern and pleasant design.
Rua Presidente Kennedy, 45 – Tambauzinho, João Pessoa – PB, 58042-180